115.265. If any voting machine at a polling place becomesinoperative, the election judges shall immediately notify theelection authority. If possible, the election authority shallrepair or replace the machine. If a voting machine is replacedwith another machine, the votes on both machines shall berecorded at the close of the polls and shall be added together indetermining the results of the election. If the inoperativemachine cannot be repaired, and no other machine is available foruse, paper ballots, made as nearly as practicable to the officialballot may be used. At the close of the polls, the votes onpaper ballots and the votes on the voting machines shall berecorded and shall be added together in determining the resultsof the election. All paper ballots used pursuant to this sectionshall be used in accordance with the laws affecting paper ballotsand shall be returned to the election authority as paper ballotsare returned with a statement describing how and why the paperballots were voted.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 ยง 8.340)Effective 1-1-78