115.284. 1. There is hereby established an absentee voting processto assist persons with permanent disabilities in the exercise of theirvoting rights.
2. The local election authority shall send an application toparticipate in the absentee voting process set out in this section to anyregistered voter residing within the election authority's jurisdiction uponrequest.
3. Upon receipt of a properly completed application, the electionauthority shall enter the voter's name on a list of voters qualified toparticipate as absentee voters pursuant to this section.
4. The application to participate in the absentee voting processshall be in substantially the following form: State of ..................................... County (City) of ............................. I,..................................... (print applicant's name), declarethat I am a resident and registered voter of............................... County, Missouri, and am permanentlydisabled. I hereby request that my name be placed on the electionauthority's list of voters qualified to participate as absentee voterspursuant to section 115.284, and that I be delivered an absentee ballotapplication for each election in which I am eligible to vote. ......................... Signature of Voter ......................... ......................... Voter's Address
5. Not earlier than ten weeks before an election but prior to thefourth Tuesday prior to an election, the election authority shall deliverto each voter qualified to participate as absentee voters pursuant to thissection an absentee ballot application if the voter is eligible to vote inthat election. If the voter returns the absentee request application tothe election authority not later than 5:00 p.m. on the Wednesday before anelection and has retained the necessary qualifications to vote, theelection authority shall provide the voter with an absentee ballot pursuantto this chapter.
6. The election authority shall remove from the list of votersqualified to participate as absentee voters pursuant to this section anyvoter who:
(1) Asks to be removed from the list;
(2) Dies;
(3) Becomes disqualified from voting pursuant to this chapter; or
(4) No longer resides at the address of his or her voterregistration.
(L. 1996 H.B. 1557 & 1489 ยง 2, A.L. 1997 S.B. 132, A.L. 2002 S.B. 675, A.L. 2003 H.B. 511)