115.293. 1. All proper votes on each absentee ballotreceived by an election authority at or before the time fixed bylaw for the closing of the polls on election day shall becounted. No votes on any absentee ballot received by an electionauthority after the time fixed by law for the closing of thepolls on election day shall be counted.
2. If sufficient evidence is shown to an election authoritythat any absentee voter has died prior to the opening of thepolls on election day, the ballot of the deceased voter shall berejected. Any ballot so rejected, still sealed in its ballotenvelope, shall be sealed with the application and any otherpapers connected therewith in an envelope marked "Rejected ballotof .............................., an absentee voter of........................ voting district". The reason forrejection shall be noted on the envelope, which shall be kept bythe election authority with the other ballots from the electionuntil the ballots are destroyed according to law.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 ยง 9.045)Effective 1-1-78