115.327. When submitted for filing, each petition for the nomination ofan independent candidate or for the formation of a new political party shallbe accompanied by a declaration of candidacy for each candidate to benominated by the petition or by the party, respectively. The party's dulyauthorized chairman and treasurer shall also submit a certified complete listof the names and addresses of all their candidates and the office for whicheach seeks. The party shall nominate its candidates in the manner prescribedin the party's bylaws. Each declaration of candidacy for the office ofpresidential elector shall be in the form provided in section 115.399. Eachdeclaration of candidacy for an office other than presidential elector shallstate the candidate's full name, residence address, office for which heproposes to be a candidate, the party, if any, upon whose ticket he is to be acandidate and that if nominated and elected he will qualify. Each suchdeclaration shall be in substantially the following form: I, ...................., a resident and registered voter of the.................... precinct of the town of .................... or the.................... precinct of the .................... ward of the city of...................., or the .................... precinct of.................... township of the county of .................... and thestate of Missouri, do announce myself a candidate for the office of................. on the .................... ticket, to be voted for at thegeneral (special) election to be held on the .................... day of...................., 20...., and I further declare that if nominated andelected I will qualify. ........................... Subscribed and sworn to Signature of candidate before me this ..........
day of .........., 20.... ............................ ......................... Residence address Signature of election
official or officer
authorized to administer
oaths Each such declaration shall be subscribed and sworn to by the candidatebefore the election official accepting the candidate's petition, a notarypublic or other officer authorized by law to administer oaths.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 ยง 10.055, A.L. 1993 S.B. 31)