115.337. 1. When an election authority for a county and anelection authority for a city have jurisdiction within the samecounty, the county election authority may, for the purpose ofverifying signatures on any new party or independent candidatepetition filed with its office, deliver copies of petition pagesto the city election authority for registration verification.The city election authority receiving a copy of petition pagesshall check each signature indicated by the county electionauthority against its registration records and return all suchcopies to the county election authority no later than the daydesignated by the county election authority. At the same timethe copies are returned, the city election authority shallcertify to the county election authority the page number of eachpage it received and the total number of valid signatures fromthe city on the pages. The county election authority shall notdesignate any deadline for returning copies and certificationswhich is less than six or more than twelve working days after thecopies have been received by the city election authority.
2. If copies of petition pages are sent to a city electionauthority for registration verification under the provisions ofthis section, the county election authority's final determinationon the number of valid signatures submitted on the petition fromthe city shall be based on the certification made by the cityelection authority.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 ยง 10.075)Effective 1-1-78