115.367. 1. In the event that the boundaries of a district have beenaltered, or a new district established for a candidate to be selected by aparty committee since the last election in which a party candidate ran forsuch office, the members of the nominating committee shall be the membersof the various nominating committees for that office, as provided insection 115.365 who reside within the altered or new district; provided,however, that members of nominating committees for candidates for specialelections to fill vacancies conducted pursuant to section 21.130, RSMo,shall be from the old districts. The chairman of the nominating committeeshall be the committee chairman of the county which polled the highest votefor the party candidate for governor within the area to be represented atthe last gubernatorial election.
2. In the event that a candidate is to be selected by a partycommittee of a new political party which has not yet elected committeemenand committeewomen in the manner provided by law, the chairman of thenominating committee shall be the provisional chairman of the party for thestate, or if the political party is formed for a district or politicalsubdivision less than the state, the chairman of the nominating committeeshall be the provisional chairman of the party for such district orpolitical subdivision. The chairman of the nominating committee shallappoint additional members of the nominating committee, not less than fourin number.
3. In the event that a candidate is to be selected for nomination orelection to an office by a new political party which has electedcommitteemen and committeewomen in the manner provided for establishedpolitical parties, the members of the nominating committee shall be thesame as provided in section 115.365.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 ยง 10.127, A.L. 1982 S.B. 526, A.L. 2002 S.B. 675)