115.369. Upon notification of a vacancy authorized to be filled by anominating committee pursuant to section 115.363, the secretary of state orthe election authority shall, not later than twenty-four hours afterreceiving such notification, notify the chair of the appropriate nominatingcommittee. If it is impossible to notify the chair of the nominatingcommittee, the secretary of state or the election authority shall notifythe vice chair of the appropriate nominating committee. If it isimpossible to notify the vice chair, the secretary of state or the electionauthority shall notify any member of the nominating committee or the chairof the county committee. The chair of the nominating committee shall, assoon as possible, but in no case later than two weeks after being notifiedof the vacancy, call a meeting of the nominating committee for the purposeof selecting a candidate to fill the vacancy. The meeting shall be calledat a place located in the area the candidate is to represent. If the chairdoes not call a meeting within the time specified, any member of thenominating committee may do so. The person calling the meeting shallnotify each member of the nominating committee of the time and place of themeeting.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 ยง 10.128, A.L. 1999 H.B. 676)