115.377. 1. Each selection of a candidate made by a party nominatingcommittee pursuant to section 115.363 shall be certified by the chair oracting chair of the nominating committee and filed with the electionofficial authorized to receive declarations of candidacy for the office,provided that no committee member may act as chair for purposes ofcertifying his or her own selection as candidate. Each such certificationshall be subscribed and sworn to by the chair or acting chair before theelection official accepting the certification or a notary public and shallbe in substantially the following form: I, ........., Chair (Acting Chair) of the ..... party nominating committeeduly authorized to nominate a candidate to fill the vacancy created by thedeath (withdrawal, disqualification, resignation) of ........., do herebycertify that on the ..... day of ....., ..., the nominating committee metand duly selected ......... as the ......... party candidate for nomination(election) to (fill the unexpired term in) the office of ......., district........., at the primary (general, special) election to be held on the..... day of ....., .... I further certify that before the meeting, eachmember of the nominating committee was properly notified of the time andplace of the meeting, a majority vote of the members of the nominatingcommittee were present at the meeting, and ......... was duly selected by amajority of the members present at the meeting. ................................... Subscribed and sworn to Signature of chair before me this ..... day or acting chair of ......., ........
Signature of election
official or notary public
2. Each selection of a candidate made by the chair of a partynominating committee pursuant to section 115.375 shall be certified by thechair of the nominating committee and filed in the office of the electionofficial authorized to receive declarations of candidacy for the office.Each such certification shall be subscribed and sworn to by the chairbefore the election official accepting the certification or a notary publicand shall be as far as practicable in the form provided in subsection 1 ofthis section.
3. When submitted for filing, each certification made by the chair oracting chair of a party nominating committee pursuant to this section shallbe accompanied by a declaration of candidacy and any filing fee requiredfor the candidate selected by the nominating committee or its chair. Thedeclaration candidacy shall state the candidate's full name, residenceaddress, office for which such candidate proposes to be a candidate, theparty upon whose ticket he or she is to be a candidate and that ifnominated and elected he or she will qualify. Each such declaration shallbe in substantially theform set forth in section 115.349. Each such declaration shall besubscribed and sworn to by the candidate before the election officialaccepting the certification, a notary public or other officer authorized bylaw to administer oaths.
4. Neither the secretary of state nor any election authority shallaccept any certification, declaration of candidacy or filing fee submittedby the chair or acting chair of a party nominating committee after thedeadline provided for submitting such certification in section 115.373 or115.375. Any selection made by a party nominating committee or by thechair of a party committee which is not made in accordance with theprovisions of sections 115.363 to 115.377 shall be null and void.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 ยง 10.140, A.L. 1999 H.B. 676)