115.383. Any election authority duly notified that a name isto be removed from the ballot or that a new candidate has beenselected shall have the proper corrections made on the ballotbefore the ballot is delivered to or while it is in the hands ofthe printer. If time does not permit correction of the printedballot, the election authority shall have prepared small pasters,suitable for covering the name to be removed on the ballots,ballot labels or on the protective covering of each votingmachine. If a candidate is replaced by a candidate pursuant tothe provisions of sections 115.361 to 115.377, the paster shallcontain the name to be substituted in letters of the same sizeand type as all other names on the ballot. The appropriateelection authorities shall see that such pasters are properlyapplied to the ballots, ballot labels or voting machines beforethey are used for voting.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 ยง 10.155)Effective 1-1-78