115.395. 1. At each primary election, there shall be as manyseparate ballots as there are parties entitled to participate in theelection.
2. The names of the candidates for each office on each party ballotshall be listed in the order in which they are filed, except that, in thecase of candidates who file a declaration of candidacy with the secretaryof state prior to 5:00 p.m. on the first day for filing, the secretary ofstate shall determine by random drawing the order in which such candidates'names shall appear on the ballot. The drawing shall be conducted so thateach candidate may draw a number at random at the time of filing. Thesecretary of state shall record the number drawn with the candidate'sdeclaration of candidacy. The names of candidates filing on the first dayfor filing for each office on each party ballot shall be listed inascending order of the numbers so drawn. For the purposes of thissubsection, the election authority responsible for oversight of the filingof candidates, other than candidates that file with the secretary of state,shall clearly designate where candidates shall form a line to effectuatesuch filings and determine the order of such filings; except that, in thecase of candidates who file a declaration of candidacy with the electionauthority prior to 5:00 p.m. on the first day for filing, the electionauthority may determine by random drawing the order in which suchcandidates' names shall appear on the ballot. If a drawing is conductedpursuant to this subsection, it shall be conducted so that each candidatemay draw a number at random at the time of filing. If such drawing isconducted, the election authority shall record the number drawn with thecandidate's declaration of candidacy. If such drawing is conducted, thenames of candidates filing on the first day for filing for each office oneach party ballot shall be listed in ascending order of the numbers sodrawn.
3. Insofar as applicable, the provisions of sections 115.237, 115.241and 115.245 shall apply to each ballot prepared for a primary election,except that the ballot information may be placed in vertical or horizontalrows, no circle shall appear under any party name and no write-in linesshall appear under the name of any office for which a candidate is to benominated at the primary. At a primary election, write-in votes shall becounted only for persons who can be elected to an office at the primary.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 ยง 10.180, A.L. 1995 H.B. 484, et al., A.L. 1997 S.B. 132)