115.417. 1. Before the time fixed by law for the opening of thepolls, the election authority shall deliver to each polling place asufficient number of voter instruction cards which include the followinginformation:
(1) If paper ballots or an electronic voting system is used, theinstructions shall inform the voter on how to obtain a ballot for voting,how to vote and prepare the ballot for deposit in the ballot box and how toobtain a new ballot to replace one accidentally spoiled;
(2) If voting machines are used, the instructions shall inform thevoter how to operate the machine in such a manner that the voter may voteas the voter wishes.
2. The election authority at each polling place shall post in aconspicuous place voting instructions on a poster no smaller thantwenty-four inches by thirty inches. Such instructions shall also informthe voter that the voting equipment can be demonstrated upon request of thevoter. The election authority shall also publicly post during the periodof time in which a person may cast an absentee ballot and on election day asample version of the ballot that will be used for that election, the dateof the election, the hours during which the polling place will be open,instructions for mail-in registrants and first-time voters, generalinformation on voting rights in accordance with the state plan filed by thesecretary of state pursuant to the Help America Vote Act of 2002, generalinformation on the right to cast a provisional ballot and instructions forprovisional ballots, how to contact appropriate authorities if votingrights have been violated, and general information on federal and Missourilaw regarding prohibitions on acts of fraud and misrepresentation. Thesecretary of state may promulgate rules to execute this section. No ruleor portion of a rule promulgated pursuant to the authority of this sectionshall become effective unless it has been promulgated pursuant to chapter536, RSMo.
3. If marking devices or voting machines are used, the electionauthority shall also provide to each polling place a model of a markingdevice or portion of the face of a voting machine. If requested to do soby a voter, the election judges shall give instructions on operation of themarking device or voting machine by use of the model.
4. The secretary of state may develop multilingual votinginstructions to be made available to election authorities.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 ยง 11.020, A.L. 2002 S.B. 675, A.L. 2003, H.B. 511)