115.421. Before the time fixed by law for the opening of thepolls, the election judges shall:
(1) Set up the voting equipment, arrange the furniture,supplies and records and make all other arrangements necessary toopen the polls at the time fixed by law;
(2) Post a voter instruction card in each voting booth ormachine and in at least one other conspicuous place within thepolling place and post a sample ballot in a conspicuous placenear the voting booths;
(3) Certify the number of ballots received at each pollingplace. In each polling place using voting machines, the electionjudges shall, in lieu of certifying the number of ballotsreceived, certify the number on each voting machine received atthe polling place, the number on the seal of each voting machine,the number on the protective counter of each voting machine andthat all recording counters on all voting machines at the pollingplace are set at zero. If a recording counter on any votingmachine is not set at zero, the election judges shall immediatelynotify the election authority and proceed as it directs;
(4) Compare the ballot, ballot label or ballot card andballot label with the sample ballots, see that the names, numbersand letters agree and certify thereto in the tally book. If thenames, numbers or letters do not agree, the election judges shallimmediately notify the election authority and proceed as itdirects;
(5) Sign the tally book in the manner provided in the formfor tally books in section 115.461, 115.473 or 115.487. If anyelection judge, challenger or watcher has not been previouslysworn as the law directs, he shall take and subscribe the oath ofhis office as provided in section 115.091 or 115.109, and theoath shall be returned to the election authority with the tallybook.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 ยง 11.030)Effective 1-1-78