115.436. 1. In jurisdictions using paper ballots and electronicvoting systems, when any physically disabled voter within two hundred feetof a polling place is unable to enter the polling place, two electionjudges, one of each major political party, shall take a ballot, equipmentand materials necessary for voting to the voter. The voter shall mark theballot, and the election judges shall place the ballot in an envelope, sealit and place it in the ballot box.
2. In jurisdictions using voting machines, when any physicallydisabled voter within two hundred feet of a polling place is unable toenter the polling place, two election judges, one of each major politicalparty, shall take an absentee ballot to the voter. The voter shall markthe ballot, and the election judges shall place the ballot in an envelope,seal it and place it in the ballot box.
3. Upon request to the election authority, the election authority inany jurisdiction shall designate a polling place accessible to anyphysically disabled voter other than the polling place to which that voterwould normally be assigned to vote, provided that the candidates and issuesvoted on are consistent for both the designated location and the votinglocation for the voter's precinct. Upon request, the election authoritymay also assign members of the physically disabled voter's household andsuch voter's caregiver to the same voting location as the physicallydisabled voter. In no event shall a voter be assigned under this sectionto a designated location apart from the established voting location for thevoter's precinct if the voter objects to the assignment to anotherlocation.
(L. 1979 S.B. 275, A.L. 1983 S.B. 234, A.L. 2003 H.B. 511, A.L. 2005 H.B. 280)