115.443. 1. Where paper ballots are used, the voter shall,before leaving the voting booth, fold his ballot so that thecross (X) marks are concealed. The voter shall place his ballotin the ballot box and leave the polling place immediately.
2. Where ballot cards with envelopes are used, the votershall, immediately before leaving the voting booth, place hisballot card in the ballot envelope. Where ballot cards withstubs are used, the voter shall, immediately after leaving thevoting booth, hand his ballot card or envelope containing hisballot card to an election judge. The election judge shallremove the stub from the ballot card and, where ballot envelopesare used, replace the ballot card in the envelope and return theballot card or envelope containing the ballot card to the voter.The voter shall place the ballot card or envelope containing theballot card in the ballot box and leave the polling placeimmediately. Where ballot cards without stubs are used, thevoter shall, immediately after leaving the voting booth, placethe ballot card or ballot envelope containing the ballot card inthe ballot box and leave the polling place immediately.
3. Where voting machines are used, the voter shall registerhis vote as directed in the instructions for use of the machineand leave the polling place immediately.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 ยง 11.090)Effective 1-1-78