115.445. 1. Except as provided in subsections 2 and 3 of thissection, no one other than the voter shall be permitted in any voting boothor permitted to be in any position where he may see how a voter is voting.
2. If any voter, after entering a voting booth, asks for furtherinstructions concerning the manner of voting, two election judges ofdifferent political parties shall give such instructions. Such judgesshall not enter the voting booth unless it is impossible to give theinstructions otherwise. After giving the instructions, the judges shallleave the area and take all necessary measures to insure that the votercasts his vote in secret.
3. If any voter declares under oath to the election judges that hecannot read or write, is blind or has any other physical disability andcannot vote his ballot, he may be assisted by the election judges or by anyperson of his own choice other than a judge. If the voter asks for theassistance of election judges, two judges of different political partiesshall go to the voting booth and cast his vote as he directs. If the voterasks for the assistance of someone other than election judges, theassistant shall go to the voting booth with the voter and cast his vote ashe directs. No person, other than election judges and members of suchvoters' immediate families, shall assist more than one voter at oneelection.
4. A child under the age of eighteen shall be allowed to accompanyhis or her parent, grandparent, or guardian into a voting booth.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 ยง 11.095, A.L. 2006 S.B. 1014 & 730)