115.447. 1. As used in this subchapter, unless the contextclearly implies otherwise, the following terms shall mean:
(1) "Counting judges" are the two judges, one from eachmajor political party, who read each vote received by allcandidates and each vote for and against all questions at apolling place;
(2) "Receiving judges" are the two judges, one from eachmajor political party, who initial each voter's ballot at apolling place;
(3) "Recording judges" are the two judges, one from eachmajor political party, who tally the votes received by eachcandidate and for and against each question at a polling place.These terms describe functions rather than individuals, and anyelection judge may perform more than one function at a pollingplace on election day.
2. As used in this subchapter, unless the context clearlyimplies otherwise, the following terms shall mean:
(1) "Defective ballot" is any ballot card on which thenumber of write-in votes and votes cast on the ballot card forany office exceed the number allowed by law, and any ballot cardwhich is bent or damaged so that it cannot be properly counted byautomatic tabulating equipment;
(2) "Rejected ballot" is any ballot on which no votes arecounted because the ballot fails to have the initials of theproper election judges, because the number of votes for alloffices and on all questions exceeds the number authorized bylaw, because the voter is deemed by the election judges to beunqualified, because it is an absentee ballot not accompanied bya completed and signed affidavit, or because the ballot was votedwith unlawful assistance;
(3) "Spoiled ballot" is any ballot accidentally spoiled by avoter and replaced by election judges in the manner provided insubsection 4 of section 115.439.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 ยง 12.001)Effective 1-1-78