115.451. If authorized by the election authority, theelection judges may read and record votes before the close of thepolls. If so authorized, the election judges shall use oneballot box for the deposit of ballots during the first hour ofvoting. At the end of the hour, the receiving judges shalldeliver the ballot box to the counting and recording judges, whoshall give the receiving judges a second empty ballot box. Thesecond ballot box shall be shown to be empty and locked in themanner provided in section 115.423. The second ballot box shallnot be opened or removed from public view from the time it isshown to be empty until the time the polls close or it is removedfor counting pursuant to this section. The ballot box containingthe voted ballots shall be taken to a private area within thepolling place, and the ballots shall be read and recorded in themanner provided by section 115.449. In no case shall ballotboxes be switched at less than one hour intervals and then onlyif twenty-five or more ballots have been voted during the hour.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 ยง 12.010)Effective 1-1-78