115.465. 1. If the election authority directs the votedballots to be returned in a ballot box, the box shall be lockedand the key removed. Each election judge shall write his name ona strip of paper which shall be pasted over the keyhole of theballot box and extended over the upper lid of the box and overthe top for some distance. The strip shall be pasted in such amanner that the signatures extend across the keyhole and place ofopening so that if the box is opened or the key inserted in thekeyhole, the paper will be torn and the signatures destroyed.The paper shall be fastened with an adhesive material which willnot permit removal of the strip without defacing it.
2. If the election authority directs the voted ballots to bereturned in an envelope or other container, the container shallbe sealed. Each election judge shall write his name on a stripof paper which shall be pasted over the opening of the container.The strip shall be pasted in such a manner that the signaturesextend across the place of opening so that if the container isopened, the paper will be torn and the signatures destroyed. Thepaper shall be fastened with an adhesive material which will notpermit removal of the strip without defacing it.
3. On the outside of the ballot box or other container inwhich the ballots are returned, the location of the polling placeand the date of the election shall be printed.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 ยง 12.045)Effective 1-1-78