115.471. At each polling place using an electronic votingsystem, after the polling place is closed, the election judgesshall
(1) Certify in the tally book: the number of ballots castby reconciling the ballot stubs against the number ofidentification certificates signed; the number of defective andspoiled ballots; the number of ballots with write-in votes; andthe number of ballots received at the polling place which werenot cast at the election. If the number of signed identificationcertificates is not the same as the number of ballots cast, thejudges shall make a signed statement of the fact and the reasonstherefor, if known, and shall return the statement with thestatements of returns;
(2) Where tallying of write-in votes is to be done at thepolling place, certify on two statements of returns the number ofwrite-in votes received by each candidate. No returns shall besigned in blank or before the polls have closed and all properwrite-in votes cast at the polling place have been counted;
(3) Certify that each statement made in the tally book andon each statement of returns is correct. If any judge declinesto certify that all such statements are correct, he shall statehis reasons in writing, which shall be attached to each statementof returns and returned with the statement to the electionauthority.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 ยง 12.055, A.L. 1978 S.B. 582, A.L. 1983 S.B. 234)