115.473. 1. The tally book for each polling place using an electronicvoting system shall be in substantially the following form:
Tally book for ......... precincts, at the general (special, primary)election held on the .... day of ............, 20..... AB, CD, EF, and XPjudges; and ZR and LT, watchers; and BH and SP, challengers, at this pollingplace, were sworn as the law directs before beginning their duties. We hereby certify:
The number of ballots received at this polling place is ....;
The information on the ballot cards and ballot labels received at thispolling place is the same as the information on the sample ballots received atthis polling place.
CD Election Judges
XP We hereby certify:
The number of ballots cast at this polling place is .......;
The number of identification certificates signed at this polling place is....;
The number of defective ballots at this polling place is ....;
The number of spoiled ballots at this polling place is ....;
The number of voters casting proper write-in votes at this polling placeis ......;
The number of ballots received at this polling place which were not castat this election is ........;
CD Election Judges
2. Where tallying of write-in votes is to be done at the polling place,at each polling place using an electronic voting system, two tally sheetsshall be included in each tally book. The tally sheets shall be used torecord the proper write-in votes and shall be in substantially the same formprovided in subsection 2 of section 115.461.
3. Where tallying of write-in votes is to be done at the polling place,at each polling place using an electronic voting system, two statements ofreturns shall be provided to the election judges. The statements of returnsshall be in substantially the following form:
We hereby certify that BK had ........ write-in votes for governor, andSF had ...... write-in votes for governor, that JH had ........ write-in votesfor representative in Congress, etc. We, the duly qualified and acting judgesof the polling place for ........ precincts, at the general (special, primary)election held on the ........ day of ........., 20..., in ............ County(City of St. Louis, Kansas City), Missouri, do hereby certify that theforegoing is a full and accurate return of all write-in votes cast at thispolling place for all candidates. AB CD Election Judges EF XP
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 ยง 12.060, A.L. 1978 S.B. 582)