115.475. 1. Immediately after signing the statements ofreturns, or earlier if convenient, the election judges shallseparate all ballot cards, except defective ballot cards, fromthe write-in forms if any. As soon as possible after signing thestatements of returns, the election judges shall enclose theballot cards, the envelope marked "DEFECTIVE BALLOTS", allwrite-in forms containing proper votes, and the tally book, tallysheets and statements of returns in a container designated by theelection authority. The container shall be securely sealed insuch a manner that if the container is opened, the seal will bebroken beyond repair. On the outside of the container, thelocation of the polling place and date of the election shall beprinted.
2. As soon as possible after signing the statements ofreturns, the election judges shall enclose the write-in formscontaining no votes, the unused ballots and other electionsupplies in containers designated by the election authority.
3. Immediately after the ballot cards and other electionmaterials have been placed in the proper containers, the twosupervisory judges shall together deliver the containers to thecounting location or other place designated by the electionauthority. If any ballot card container is not sealed when it isdelivered to the counting location or other place designated bythe election authority, the election official receiving thecontainer shall make a statement of the fact which includes thelocation of the polling place and the date of the electionprinted on the container and the reason the container is notsealed, if known.
4. If the election authority has directed the supervisoryjudges to deliver election materials to a place other than thecounting location, the election authority shall appoint at leastone team of election judges who shall receive the ballotcontainers from the supervisory judges and immediately deliverthem to the counting location. Each team appointed pursuant tothis subsection shall consist of two election judges or employeesof the election authority, one from each major political party.
5. The election authority may authorize the delivery ofballots voted prior to 11:00 a.m. to the counting location priorto the closing of the polls.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 ยง 12.065, A.L. 1983 S.B. 234)