115.483. 1. As soon as the polls close in each pollingplace using voting machines, the election judges shall lock andseal each voting machine against further voting and proceed tocount the votes. Once begun, the count shall not be adjourned orpostponed until all proper votes have been counted.
2. The election judges shall open the counting compartmenton each voting machine or, if a machine is equipped with a devicefor printing, embossing or photographing the registeringcounters, the judges shall operate the machine to produce arecord of the counters. One counting judge shall read the totalvote cast for each candidate and for and against each question oneach machine. The other counting judge shall watch and verifyeach total as it is being read from the recording counters orfrom the record of the counters. The two recording judges shalleach record the votes cast for each candidate and for and againsteach question as they are called out and verified by the countingjudges.
3. All proper write-in votes shall be read, recorded andcounted as provided in sections 115.449 and 115.453. No write-invote shall be counted for any candidate for any office whose nameappears on the ballot label as a candidate for the office, exceptwhen more than one person is to be nominated or elected to anoffice. When more than one person is to be nominated or electedto an office, the voter may write in the names of one or morepersons whose names do not appear on the ballot label with orwithout the names of one or more persons whose names do appear.No write-in vote shall be counted unless it is cast in theappropriate place on the machine.
4. If more than one voting machine is used in a pollingplace, the election judges shall read, verify and record all thetotals from the first machine before proceeding to the second,and so on, until all of the totals on each machine in the pollingplace have been read, verified and recorded. The total number ofvotes from each machine shall be added to the write-in votes todetermine the total vote for each candidate and for and againsteach question.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 ยง 12.085)Effective 1-1-78