115.485. At each polling place using voting machines, afterthe polling place is closed, the judges shall
(1) Certify in the tally book the number on the protectivecounter of each machine, the number of identificationcertificates signed and the number of proper write-in votes castat the polling place. If the number of signed identificationcertificates is not the same as the number of votes cast asregistered on the protective counters, the judges shall make asigned statement of the fact and the reasons therefor if knownand shall return the statement with the statements of returns;
(2) Certify on two statements of returns the total number ofvotes cast for each candidate and for and against each questionat the polling place;
(3) Certify that each statement made in the tally book andon each statement of returns is correct. If any judge declinesto certify that all such statements are correct, he shall statehis reasons in writing, which shall be attached to each statementof returns and returned to the election authority.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 ยง 12.090)Effective 1-1-78