115.491. 1. Except as otherwise expressly provided in thissubchapter, the two supervisory judges, one from each majorpolitical party, shall return the voted ballots, the ballotsmarked "REJECTED", "SPOILED", and "DEFECTIVE", the tally sheets,tally books and statements of returns, the registration recordsand other election supplies from each polling place to theelection authority as soon as possible, but in no case later thantwo hours after the signing of the returns at the polling place.The election authority shall keep its office open until allballots, returns and other election materials have been received.If any voted ballot container is not sealed, the electionauthority shall make a written statement of the facts whichincludes the location of the polling place and date of theelection printed on the container and the reason the container isnot sealed, if known.
2. If the election authority directs the voted ballots to bereturned in a ballot box, one supervisory judge shall return theballot box, one set of tally sheets and one statement of returns.The other supervisory judge shall return the keys to the ballotbox, the tally book, the other set of tally sheets and the otherstatement of returns. If the election authority directs thevoted ballots or write-in votes to be returned in sacks or othercontainers, one supervisory judge shall return the containers ofvoted ballots, one set of tally sheets and one statement ofreturns. The other supervisory judge shall return the other setof tally sheets and the other statement of returns.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 ยง 12.105)Effective 1-1-78