115.499. 1. Where the election authority is a board ofelection commissioners, the board of election commissioners shallbe the verification board.
2. Where the election authority is a county clerk, thecounty clerk and two verification judges, one from each majorpolitical party, shall be the verification board. The countyclerk may, as he deems necessary, designate an even number ofadditional verification judges, one-half from one major politicalparty and one-half from the other major political party. Theverification judges shall possess the same qualifications aselection judges. Not later than the second Tuesday preceding anelection, the county clerk shall request and the county committeeof each major political party in the jurisdiction of the electionauthority shall submit to the election authority a listcontaining the names of at least six persons qualified to serveon the verification board. Not later than the first Tuesdaypreceding the election, the election authority shall appoint notless than one person from each of the lists to serve on theverification board. If either county committee fails to presentthe prescribed number of names of qualified persons by the timeprescribed, the election authority shall select and appoint amember or members of the verification board from the party.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 ยง 12.305, A.L. 1993 S.B. 31)