115.503. 1. As soon as possible after an election in whichvoting machines are used, the verification board, or a bipartisancommittee appointed by the verification board, shall inspect eachvoting machine not equipped with printed election returnmechanisms used at the election and shall make a record of thenumber on the seal and protective counter of each machine, openthe counter compartment of the machine and, without unlocking themachine against voting, record the votes cast on the machine. Inprecincts where voting machines equipped with printed electionreturns mechanisms are used, the counter compartment shall not beopened and the original and duplicate originals of the printedreturn sheets of the votes cast on questions and for candidatesregularly nominated, or who have duly filed, together with thetabulation and inclusion of any votes written in on the paperroll for those not regularly nominated, or who have not filed,shall constitute the official return sheet for the votes cast onthat machine, when properly certified by the precinct electionofficers. One copy of such printed return sheet shall be postedon the outside of the polling place for the information of thepublic. One copy shall be returned to the election authority andretained by it for not less than one year. Any bipartisancommittee appointed pursuant to this subsection shall consist ofat least two people, one from each major political party, whoshall be appointed in the same manner and possess the samequalifications as election judges.
2. After the verification board or committee has completedits inspection and record, it shall compare the record with thereturns made by the election judges on election day. If there isa discrepancy between the returns of the election judges and therecord of the verification board or committee, the verificationboard shall correct the returns made by the judges to conform toits record. The corrected returns shall supersede the returnsmade by the election judges on election day. Both the record andthe returns shall be retained by the election authority asprovided in section 115.493.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 ยง 12.315, A.L. 1978 S.B. 774)Effective 4-28-78