115.567. 1. At the time of filing, the contestee shall beserved with a copy of the petition by the contestant or hisrepresentative. With the copy of the petition shall be includeda written notice of the time and place of the petition's filing,the grounds on which the election is contested, the time andplace for the taking of depositions and the names of allwitnesses to be examined. If the contestee is not found withintwo days after the petition is filed, the copy of the petitionand notice shall be left at the residence address shown oncontestee's declaration of candidacy and by posting the petitionin a conspicuous place in the office of the secretary of thesenate or the chief clerk of the house, as the case may be.
2. At the time of filing, a copy of the petition and noticeshall also be transmitted to the secretary of state and eachelection authority responsible for conducting the election in anyarea where an alleged irregularity occurred.
3. Not later than fifteen days after the petition is filed,the contestee may file an answer to the petition, specifyingreasons why his election should not be contested. At the time offiling, a copy of the answer shall be transmitted to thecontestant. If the contestee wishes to contest the validity ofany votes given to the contestant, he shall include in his answera notice of the time and place for the taking of depositions, thegrounds on which the votes will be contested, and the names ofall witnesses to be examined.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 ยง 13.210)Effective 1-1-78