115.577. Not later than thirty days after the official announcementof the election result by the election authority, any person authorized bysection 115.553 who wishes to contest the election for any office or on anyquestion provided in section 115.575 shall file a verified petition in theoffice of the clerk of the appropriate circuit court. The contestant shallonly be required to file one petition with the circuit court for eachelection contest regardless of the number of counties within the court'sjurisdiction. The petition shall set forth the points on which thecontestant wishes to contest the election and the facts he will prove insupport of such points, and shall pray leave to produce his proof. Thecircuit court in which the petition is filed shall have exclusivejurisdiction over all matters relating to the contest and may issueappropriate orders to all election authorities in the area in which thecontested election was held.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 ยง 13.305, A.L. 1997 S.B. 132)