115.593. If the court or legislative body trying a contestedelection determines there were irregularities of sufficientmagnitude to cast doubt on the validity of the initial election,it may order a new election for the contested office or on thecontested question. The order shall set the date of the electionand shall be sent by the clerk of the court or the secretary ofthe senate or the chief clerk of the house of representatives, asthe case may be, to each election authority responsible forconducting the special election. In its order, the court orlegislative body shall specify the name of each candidate for theoffice to be voted on at the special election, or the ballottitle of the question to be voted on at the special election, andthe election shall be conducted and the votes counted as in otherelections. Notice of the election shall be given in such manneras the court or legislative body directs. The person receivingthe highest number of votes at the special election shall bedeemed elected and entitled to assume office, or the questionsubmitted at the special election shall be deemed approved if amajority of the votes at the special election are cast in favorof the question.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 ยง 13.430)Effective 1-1-78