115.597. In all cases of contested elections, exceptcontested elections heard by the supreme court or the statesenate or house of representatives, the right of appeal shallexist, and appeals may be taken in the same time or manner and tothe same courts as is provided by law for appeals in cases inequity. The practice and procedure prescribed in civil actionsshall be followed in all respects not inconsistent with theprovisions of sections 115.553 to 115.583. Upon the filing ofany such appeal, the court shall give the case preference in theorder of hearing to all other cases and modify its rules to theextent necessary to conclude the appeal as quickly as possible.In every case of such appeal, a bond with sufficient suretiesconditioned for the payment of the costs accrued and to accrue inthe cause may be required by any court in which the case ispending.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 ยง 13.440)Effective 1-1-78