115.615. In years when a primary election is held pursuant tosubsection 2 of section 115.121, each county committee shall meet at thecounty seat on the third Tuesday of August. In each city not situated in acounty, the city committee shall meet on the same day at such place withinthe city as the chair of the current city committee may designate. In allcounties of the first, second and third classification the countycourthouse shall be made available for such meetings and any other countypolitical party meeting at no charge to the party committees. At themeeting, each committee shall organize by electing one of its members aschair and one of its members as vice chair, a man and a woman, and asecretary and a treasurer, a man and a woman, who may or may not be membersof the committee. The county chair and vice chair so elected shall byvirtue thereof become members of the party congressional, senatorial andjudicial committees of the district of which their county is a part.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 ยง 14.030, A.L. 1997 H.B. 41, A.L. 1999 H.B. 676)