115.621. 1. The members of each congressional district committeeshall meet at some place within the district, to be designated by thecurrent chair of the committee, on the last Tuesday in August after eachprimary election. The county courthouse in counties of the first, secondand third classification in which the meeting is to take place, asdesignated by the chair, shall be made available for such meeting and anyother congressional district political party committee meeting at no chargeto the committee. At the meeting, the committee shall organize by electingone of its members as chair and one of its members as vice chair, one ofwhom shall be a woman and one of whom shall be a man, and a secretary and atreasurer, one of whom shall be a woman and one of whom shall be a man, whomay or may not be members of the committee.
2. The members of each legislative district committee shall meet atsome place within the legislative district or within one of the counties inwhich the legislative district exists, to be designated by the currentchair of the committee, on the third Wednesday after each August primaryelection. The county courthouse in counties of the first, second and thirdclassification in which the meeting is to take place, as designated by thechair, shall be made available for such meeting and any other legislativedistrict political party committee meeting at no charge to the committee.At the meeting, the committee shall organize pursuant to subsection 1 ofsection 115.619.
3. The members of each senatorial district committee shall meet atsome place within the district, to be designated by the current chair ofthe committee, if there is one, and if not, by the chair of thecongressional district in which the senatorial district is principallylocated, on the third Saturday after each August primary election. Thecounty courthouse in counties of the first, second and third classificationin which the meeting is to take place, as so designated pursuant to thissubsection, shall be made available for such meeting and any othersenatorial district political party committee meeting at no charge to thecommittee. At the meeting, the committee shall organize by electing one ofits members as chair and one of its members as vice chair, one of whomshall be a woman and one of whom shall be a man, and a secretary and atreasurer, one of whom shall be a woman and one of whom shall be a man, whomay or may not be members of the committee. The members of each senatorialdistrict shall also meet at some place within the district, to bedesignated by the current chair of the committee, if there is one, and ifnot, by the chair of the congressional district in which the senatorialdistrict is principally located, on the Saturday after the third Tuesday inNovember after each general election. At the meeting, the committee shallproceed to elect two registered voters of the district, one man and onewoman, as members of the party's state committee.
4. The members of each judicial district may meet at some placewithin the judicial district or within one of the counties in which thejudicial district exists, to be designated by the current chair of thecommittee or the chair of the congressional district committee, on thefirst Tuesday in September after each primary election, or at another timedesignated by the chairmen of the committees. The county courthouse incounties of the first, second and third classification in which the meetingis to take place, as so designated pursuant to this subsection, shall bemade available for such meeting and any other judicial district politicalparty committee meeting at no charge to the committee. At the meeting, thecommittee shall organize pursuant to subsection 1 of section 115.619.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 ยง 14.041, A.L. 1988 H.B. 933, et al., A.L. 1994 S.B. 650, A.L. 1997 H.B. 41 merged with S.B. 132, A.L. 1999 H.B. 676)