115.633. The following offenses, and any others specificallyso described by law, shall be class two election offenses and aredeemed felonies not connected with the exercise of the right ofsuffrage. Conviction for any of these offenses shall be punishedby imprisonment of not more than five years or by fine of notless than two thousand five hundred dollars but not more than tenthousand dollars or by both such imprisonment and fine:
(1) On the day of election or before the counting of votesis completed, willfully concealing, breaking, or destroying anyballot box used or intended to be used at such election orwillfully or fraudulently concealing or removing any ballot boxfrom the custody of the election judges;
(2) Willfully tampering with, disarranging, defacing,materially altering, impairing, or destroying any voting machineor automatic tabulating equipment owned or leased by or loaned toan election authority.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 ยง 15.010)Effective 1-1-78