115.635. The following offenses, and any others specifically sodescribed by law, shall be class three election offenses and are deemedmisdemeanors connected with the exercise of the right of suffrage.Conviction for any of these offenses shall be punished by imprisonment ofnot more than one year or by fine of not more than two thousand fivehundred dollars, or by both such imprisonment and fine:
(1) Giving, lending, agreeing to give or lend, offering, promising,or endeavoring to procure, any money or valuable consideration, office, orplace of employment, to or for any voter, to or for any person on behalf ofany voter, or to or for any person, in order to induce any voter to vote orrefrain from voting or corruptly doing any such act on account of suchvoter having already voted or refrained from voting at any election;
(2) Making use of, or threatening to make use of, any force,violence, or restraint, or inflicting or threatening to inflict any injury,damage, harm or loss upon or against any person, in order to induce orcompel such person to vote or refrain from voting at any election;
(3) Impeding or preventing, or attempting to impede or prevent, byabduction, duress or any fraudulent device or contrivance, the freeexercise of the franchise of any voter or, by abduction, duress, or anyfraudulent device, compelling, inducing, or prevailing upon any voter tovote or refrain from voting at any election;
(4) Giving, or making an agreement to give, any money, property,right in action, or other gratuity or reward, in consideration of any grantor deputation of office;
(5) Bringing into this state any nonresident person with intent thatsuch person shall vote at an election without possessing the requisitequalifications;
(6) Asking for, receiving, or taking any money or other reward by wayof gift, loan, or other device or agreeing or contracting for any money,gift, office, employment, or other reward, for giving, or refraining fromgiving, his or her vote in any election;
(7) Removing, destroying or altering any supplies or informationplaced in or near a voting booth for the purpose of enabling a voter toprepare his or her ballot;
(8) Entering a voting booth or compartment except as specificallyauthorized by law;
(9) On the part of any election official, challenger, watcher orperson assisting a person to vote, revealing or disclosing any informationas to how any voter may have voted, indicated that the person had votedexcept as authorized by this chapter, indicated an intent to vote oroffered to vote, except to a grand jury or pursuant to a lawful subpoena ina court proceeding relating to an election offense;
(10) On the part of any registration or election official, refusingto permit any person to register to vote or to vote when such officialknows the person is legally entitled to register or legally entitled tovote;
(11) Attempting to commit or participating in an attempt to commitany class one or class two election offense.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 ยง 15.015, A.L. 1997 S.B. 132, A.L. 1999 H.B. 676)