115.639. 1. Any person entitled to vote at any electionheld within this state shall, on the day of such election, beentitled to absent himself from any services or employment inwhich he is then engaged or employed, for a period of three hoursbetween the time of opening and the time of closing the polls forthe purpose of voting, and any such absence for such purposeshall not be reason for the discharge of or the threat todischarge any such person from such services or employment; andsuch employee, if he votes, shall not, because of so absentinghimself, be liable to any penalty or discipline, nor shall anydeduction be made on account of such absence from his usualsalary or wages; provided, however, that request shall be madefor such leave of absence prior to the day of election, andprovided further, that this section shall not apply to a voter onthe day of election if there are three successive hours while thepolls are open in which he is not in the service of his employer.The employer may specify any three hours between the time ofopening and the time of closing the polls during which suchemployee may absent himself.
2. Any employer violating this section shall be deemedguilty of a class four election offense.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 ยง 15.025)Effective 1-1-78