115.765. On or before the tenth Tuesday prior to a presidentialpreference primary, the secretary of state shall transmit to each electionauthority a certified list containing the names of all candidates whosenames shall appear on the presidential preference primary ballot of eachparty. The names of the candidates shall appear in the order in whichtheir request to be included on the presidential primary ballot wasreceived in the office of the secretary of state, except that, in the caseof candidates who file a request to be included on the presidential primaryballot with the secretary of state prior to 5:00 p.m. on the first day forfiling, the secretary of state shall determine by random drawing the orderin which such candidates' names shall appear on the ballot. The drawingshall be conducted so that each candidate, or candidate's representative,may draw a number at random at the time of filing. The secretary of stateshall record the number drawn with the candidate's request to be includedon the presidential primary ballot. The names of candidates filing on thefirst day for filing on each party ballot shall be listed in ascendingorder of the numbers so drawn.
(L. 1998 S.B. 709)