115.770. The conduct of the presidential preference primary electionand the count and canvass of the votes cast therein shall conform as nearlyas is practicable to that prescribed for the conduct of the primaryelection for state officers. All primary election laws not inconsistentwith the provisions of sections 115.750 to 115.785 shall be applicable tothe conduct of this election, and the form of the ballot insofar as ispracticable shall be substantially as that prescribed by section 115.395.In a presidential preference primary, each voter shall be entitled toreceive the ballot of one and only one established political party,designated by the voter before receiving such voter's ballot. Each voterwho participates in a presidential preference primary shall be entitled tovote on all questions and for any candidates submitted by politicalsubdivisions and special districts at the general municipal election. Eachvoter who does not wish to participate in a presidential preference primarymay vote on all questions and for any candidates submitted by a politicalsubdivision or special district at the general municipal election.
(L. 1998 S.B. 709)