116.025. The secretary of state within twenty days of receiving astatewide ballot measure shall prepare and transmit to the attorney generalfair ballot language statements that fairly and accurately explain what avote for and what a vote against the measure represent. Each statementshall be posted in each polling place next to the sample ballot. Such fairballot language statements shall be true and impartial statements of theeffect of a vote for and against the measure in language neitherintentionally argumentative nor likely to create prejudice for or againstthe proposed measure. In addition, such fair ballot language shall includea statement as to whether the measure will increase, decrease, or have noimpact on taxes, including the specific category of tax. Such fair ballotlanguage statements may be challenged in accordance with section 116.190.The attorney general shall within ten days approve the legal content andform of the proposed statements.
(L. 2003 H.B. 511)