116.030. The following shall be substantially the form of each page ofreferendum petitions on any law passed by the general assembly of the state ofMissouri:
County ............................
Page No. ..........................
It is a class A misdemeanor punishable, notwithstanding the provisions ofsection 560.021, RSMo, to the contrary, for a term of imprisonment not toexceed one year in the county jail or a fine not to exceed ten thousanddollars or both, for anyone to sign any referendum petition with any nameother than his or her own, or knowingly to sign his or her name more than oncefor the same measure for the same election, or to sign a petition when suchperson knows he or she is not a registered voter.
PETITION FOR REFERENDUM To the Honorable .........., Secretary of State for the state of Missouri:
We, the undersigned, registered voters of the state of Missouri and.......... County (or city of St. Louis), respectfully order that the Senate(or House) Bill No. .... entitled (title of law), passed by the ..........general assembly of the state of Missouri, at the .......... regular (orspecial) session of the ......... general assembly, shall be referred to thevoters of the state of Missouri, for their approval or rejection, at thegeneral election to be held on the ...... day of .........., ....., unless thegeneral assembly shall designate another date, and each for himself or herselfsays: I have personally signed this petition; I am a registered voter of thestate of Missouri and .......... County (or city of St. Louis); my registeredvoting address and the name of the city, town or village in which I live arecorrectly written after my name. CIRCULATOR'S AFFIDAVIT STATE OF MISSOURI, COUNTY OF ............
I, .........., being first duly sworn, say (print or type names of signers)
Town or Village) or Typed)
(Here follow numbered lines for signers) signed this page of the foregoing petition, and each of them signed his orher name thereto in my presence; I believe that each has stated his or hername, registered voting address and city, town or village correctly, and thateach signer is a registered voter of the state of Missouri and ..........County.
Signature of Affiant
(Person obtaining signatures)
Address of Affiant Subscribed and sworn to before me this ...... day of .........., A.D. .... .
Signature of Notary
Address of Notary Notary Public (Seal) My commission expires ................................ If this form is followed substantially and the requirements of section116.050 are met, it shall be sufficient, disregarding clerical and merelytechnical errors.
(L. 1980 S.B. 658, A.L. 1986 H.B. 1471, et al., A.L. 1997 S.B. 132, A.L. 1999 H.B. 676)Effective 6-16-99