116.155. 1. The general assembly may include the official summarystatement and a fiscal note summary in any statewide ballot measure that itrefers to the voters.
2. The official summary statement approved by the general assemblyshall, taken together with the approved fiscal note summary, be theofficial ballot title and such summary statement shall contain no more thanfifty words, excluding articles. The title shall be a true and impartialstatement of the purposes of the proposed measure in language neitherintentionally argumentative nor likely to create prejudice either for oragainst the proposed measure.
3. The fiscal note summary approved by the general assembly shallcontain no more than fifty words, excluding articles, which shall summarizethe fiscal note prepared for the measure in language neither argumentativenor likely to create prejudice for or against the proposed measure.
(L. 1999 H.B. 676)Effective 6-16-99