116.175. 1. Except as provided in section 116.155, upon receipt fromthe secretary of state's office of any petition sample sheet, jointresolution or bill, the auditor shall assess the fiscal impact of theproposed measure. The state auditor may consult with the statedepartments, local government entities, the general assembly and otherswith knowledge pertinent to the cost of the proposal. Proponents oropponents of any proposed measure may submit to the state auditor aproposed statement of fiscal impact estimating the cost of the proposal ina manner consistent with the standards of the governmental accountingstandards board and section 23.140, RSMo, provided that all such proposalsare received by the state auditor within ten days of his or her receipt ofthe proposed measure from the secretary of state.
2. Within twenty days of receipt of a petition sample sheet, jointresolution or bill from the secretary of state, the state auditor shallprepare a fiscal note and a fiscal note summary for the proposed measureand forward both to the attorney general.
3. The fiscal note and fiscal note summary shall state the measure'sestimated cost or savings, if any, to state or local governmental entities.The fiscal note summary shall contain no more than fifty words, excludingarticles, which shall summarize the fiscal note in language neitherargumentative nor likely to create prejudice either for or against theproposed measure.
4. The attorney general shall, within ten days of receipt of thefiscal note and the fiscal note summary, approve the legal content and formof the fiscal note summary prepared by the state auditor and shall forwardnotice of such approval to the state auditor.
5. If the attorney general or the circuit court of Cole Countydetermines that the fiscal note or the fiscal note summary does* notsatisfy the requirements of this section, the fiscal note and the fiscalnote summary shall be returned to the auditor for revision. A fiscal noteor fiscal note summary that does not satisfy the requirements of thissection also shall not satisfy the requirements of section 116.180.
(L. 1997 S.B. 132, A.L. 1999 H.B. 676, A.L. 2003 H.B. 511 merged with S.B. 623)*Word "do" appears in original rolls.