116.230. 1. The secretary of state shall prepare sampleballots in the following form.
2. The top of the ballot shall read:
3. When constitutional amendments are submitted, the firstheading shall read:
"CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS"There shall follow the numbers assigned under section 116.210 theofficial ballot titles prepared under section 116.160 or 116.334,and the fiscal note summaries prepared under section 116.170.Constitutional amendments proposed by the general assembly shall bedesignated as "Proposed by the general assembly". Constitutionalamendments proposed by initiative petition shall be designated"Proposed by initiative petition". Constitutional amendmentsproposed by constitutional convention shall be designated as"Proposed by constitutional convention".
4. When statutory measures are submitted, the next headingshall read:
"STATUTORY MEASURES"There shall follow the letters assigned under section 116.220, theofficial ballot titles prepared under section 116.160 or 116.334,and the fiscal note summaries prepared under section 116.170.Statutory initiative measures shall be designated "Proposed byinitiative petition". Referendum measures shall be designated"Referendum ordered by petition".
(L. 1980 S.B. 658, A.L. 1985 H.B. 543)