116.300. Not later than the fourth Tuesday prior to anelection on a statewide ballot measure, each chairman of a countycampaign committee favoring a measure and each chairman of a countycampaign committee opposing a measure shall file with the electionauthority a list of committee officers and a request to have theright to designate challengers and watchers under section 116.310.If only one committee favoring a particular measure and onecommittee opposing a particular measure file a list and a request,then each filing chairman shall have the right to designatechallengers and watchers under section 116.310. If more than onecommittee favoring a particular measure or more than one committeeopposing a particular measure files a list and request, then theelection authority shall determine which chairman has the right todesignate challengers and watchers. If the measure was submittedby initiative or referendum petition, the person designated undersection 116.100 as the person to receive notice under sections116.140 and 116.180 shall be entitled to designate the countycampaign committee chairmen's names to the proper electionauthorities by the fourth Tuesday prior to the election on thatmeasure.
(L. 1980 S.B. 658)Effective 1-1-81