130.029. 1. Nothing herein contained shall be construed toprohibit any corporation organized under any general or speciallaw of this state, or any other state or by an act of theCongress of the United States or any labor organization,cooperative association or mutual association from making anycontributions or expenditures, provided:
(1) That the board of directors of any corporation byresolution has authorized contributions or expenditures, or byresolution has authorized a designated officer to make suchcontributions or expenditures; or
(2) That the members of any labor organization, cooperativeassociation or mutual association have authorized contributionsor expenditures by a majority vote of the members present at aduly called meeting of any such labor organization, cooperativeassociation or mutual association or by such vote has authorizeda designated officer to make such contributions or expenditures.
2. No provision of this section shall be construed toauthorize contributions or expenditures otherwise prohibited by,or to change any necessary percentage of vote otherwise requiredby, the articles of incorporation or association or bylaws ofsuch labor organization, corporation, cooperative or mutualassociation.
3. Authority to make contributions or expenditures asauthorized by this section shall be adopted by general orspecific resolution. This resolution shall state the totalamount of contributions or expenditures authorized, the purposesof such contributions or expenditures and the time period withinwhich such authority shall exist.
(L. 1978 S.B. 839)