130.034. 1. Contributions as defined in section 130.011, received byany committee shall not be converted to any personal use.
2. Contributions may be used for any purpose allowed by lawincluding, but not limited to:
(1) Any ordinary expenses incurred relating to a campaign;
(2) Any ordinary and necessary expenses incurred in connection withthe duties of a holder of elective office;
(3) Any expenses associated with the duties of candidacy or ofelective office pertaining to the entertaining of or providing socialcourtesies to constituents, professional associations, or other holders ofelective office;
(4) The return of any contribution to the person who made thecontribution to the candidate or holder of elective office;
(5) To contribute to a political organization or candidate committeeas allowed by law;
(6) To establish a new committee as defined by this chapter;
(7) To make an unconditional gift which is fully vested to anycharitable, fraternal or civic organizations or other associations formedto provide for some good in the order of benevolence, if such candidate,former candidate or holder of elective office or such person's immediatefamily gain no direct financial benefit from the unconditional gift;
(8) Except when such candidate, former candidate or holder ofelective office dies while the committee remains in existence, thecommittee may make an unconditional gift to a fund established for thebenefit of the spouse and children of the candidate, former candidate orholder of elective office. The provisions of this subdivision shall expireOctober 1, 1997.
3. Upon the death of the candidate, former candidate or holder ofelective office who received such contributions, all contributions shall bedisposed of according to this section and any funds remaining after finalsettlement of the candidate's decedent's estate, or if no estate is opened,then twelve months after the candidate's death, will escheat to the stateof Missouri to be deposited in the general revenue fund.
4. No contributions, as defined in section 130.011, received by acandidate, former candidate or holder of elective office shall be used tomake restitution payments ordered of such individual by a court of law orfor the payment of any fine resulting from conviction of a violation of anylocal, state or federal law.
5. Committees described in subdivision (17) of section 130.011 shallmake expenditures only for the purpose of determining whether an individualwill be a candidate. Such expenditures include polling information,mailings, personal appearances, telephone expenses, office and travelexpenses but may not include contributions to other candidate committees.
6. Any moneys in the exploratory committee fund may be transferred tothe candidate committee upon declaration of candidacy for the positionbeing explored. Such funds shall be included for the purposes of reportingand limitation. In the event that candidacy is not declared for theposition being explored, the remaining exploratory committee funds shall bereturned to the contributors on a pro rata basis. In no event shall theamount returned exceed the amount given by each contributor nor be lessthan ten dollars.
(L. 1994 S.B. 650, A.L. 1995 H.B. 484, et al., A.L. 1997 S.B. 16)