130.047. Any person who is not a defined committee who makes anexpenditure or expenditures aggregating five hundred dollars or more insupport of, or opposition to, one or more candidates or in support of, orin opposition to, the qualification or passage of one or more ballotmeasures, other than a contribution made directly to a candidate orcommittee, shall file a report signed by the person making theexpenditures, or that person's authorized agent. The report shall includethe name and address of the person making the expenditure, the date andamount of the expenditure or expenditures, the name and address of thepayee, and a description of the nature and purpose of each expenditure.Such report shall be filed with the appropriate officer having jurisdictionover the election of the candidate or ballot measure in question as setforth in section 130.026 no later than fourteen days after the date ofmaking an expenditure which by itself or when added to all other suchexpenditures during the same campaign equals five hundred dollars or more.If, after filing such report, additional expenditures are made, a furtherreport shall be filed no later than fourteen days after the date of makingthe additional expenditures; except that, if any such expenditure is madewithin fourteen days prior to an election, the report shall be filed nolater than forty-eight hours after the date of such expenditure. Theprovisions of this subsection shall not apply to a person who uses only theperson's funds or resources to make an expenditure or expenditures insupport of or in coordination or consultation with a candidate orcommittee; provided that, any such expenditure is recorded as acontribution to such candidate or committee and so reported by thecandidate or committee being supported by the expenditure or expenditures.
(L. 1997 S.B. 16 ยง 130.047 subsec. 1)