130.110. Limitations on cash contributions, anonymous contributions:
(1) No contribution in cash in an amount in excess of one hundreddollars shall be made or accepted from any single contributor for anyelection;
(2) Candidates and candidate committees shall not accept contributionsof cash that, in the aggregate, are in excess of one hundred dollars perperson per election cycle;
(3) No anonymous contribution in excess of twenty-five dollars shall bemade by any person, and no anonymous contributions in excess of twenty-fivedollars shall be accepted by any candidate or committee. If any anonymouscontribution in excess of twenty-five dollars is received, it shall bereturned immediately to the contributor if his or her identity can beascertained, and if the contributor's identity cannot be ascertained, thecandidate or the committee treasurer shall immediately transmit that portionof the contribution which exceeds twenty-five dollars to the state treasurerand it shall escheat to the state.
(L. 1994 Adopted by Initiative, Proposition A, November 8, 1994, A.L. 1999 S.B. 31 & 285)