135.209. 1. Any city in which an enterprise zone is designatedpursuant to subsection 5 of section 135.208 may, upon approval of the localgoverning authority of the city and the director of the department ofeconomic development, designate one satellite enterprise zone within itscorporate limits. A prerequisite for the designation of the satellite zoneshall be the approval by the director of the department of economicdevelopment of a plan submitted by the local governing authority of thecity describing how the satellite zone corresponds to the city's overallenterprise zone strategy.
2. The satellite enterprise zone authorized by this section shall bedesignated only if it meets the criteria established by subdivisions (1) to(4) of subsection 2 of section 135.207. Retail businesses, as identifiedby the 1997 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) sectornumbers 44 to 45, located within the satellite enterprise zone shall beeligible for all benefits provided pursuant to the provisions of sections135.200 to 135.258.
(L. 1999 H.B. 701)