135.212. 1. In addition to any other enterprise zones authorized inthis chapter, the department of economic development shall designate oneenterprise zone in any county of the third classification without atownship form of government and with more than thirty-two thousand fivehundred but less than thirty-two thousand six hundred inhabitants. Suchenterprise zone designations shall have the same boundaries as such county,and shall only be made if the area to be included in the enterprise zonemeets all the requirements of section 135.205.
2. In addition to any other enterprise zones authorized in thischapter, the department of economic development shall designate oneenterprise zone that shall have boundaries that are the same as any city ofthe fourth classification with more than one thousand eight hundred butless than one thousand nine hundred inhabitants and located in threecounties. Such enterprise zone designation shall only be made if the areathat is to be included in the enterprise zone meets all the requirements ofsection 135.205.
3. In addition to any other enterprise zones authorized in thischapter, the department of economic development shall designate oneenterprise zone that shall have boundaries that are the same as any city ofthe fourth classification with more than one thousand but less than onethousand one hundred inhabitants and located in any county of the thirdclassification without a township form of government and with more thanforty-one thousand one hundred but less than forty-one thousand two hundredinhabitants. Such enterprise zone designation shall only be made if thearea that is to be included in the enterprise zone meets all therequirements of section 135.205.
4. In addition to any other enterprise zones authorized pursuant tothis chapter, the department of economic development shall designate oneenterprise zone that shall have boundaries that are the same as any countyof the third classification without a township form of government and withmore than thirteen thousand seventy-five but less than thirteen thousandone hundred seventy-five inhabitants. Such enterprise zone designationshall only be made if the area that is to be included in the enterprisezone meets all the requirements of section 135.205.
5. In addition to any other enterprise zones authorized in thischapter, the department of economic development shall designate oneenterprise zone in the portions of any city of the fourth classificationwith more than three thousand eight hundred but less than four thousandinhabitants and located in more than one county and any home rule city withmore than one hundred thirteen thousand two hundred but less than onehundred thirteen thousand three hundred inhabitants which include apolitical subdivision that receives a portion of its funding from section163.031, RSMo, and is located in part in any home rule city with more thanfour hundred thousand inhabitants and located in more than one county.Such enterprise zone shall only be made if the area to be included in theenterprise zone meets all the requirements of section 135.205.
6. In addition to any other enterprise zones authorized pursuant tothis chapter, the department of economic development shall designate oneenterprise zone that shall have boundaries that are the same as any city ofthe fourth classification with more than four thousand three hundred butless than four thousand five hundred located in a county of the firstclassification with more than ninety-three thousand eight hundred but lessthan ninety-three thousand nine hundred inhabitants. Such enterprise zonedesignation shall only be made if the area that is to be included in theenterprise zone meets all the requirements of section 135.205.
7. In addition to any other enterprise zones authorized pursuant tothis chapter, the department of economic development shall designate oneenterprise zone that shall have boundaries that are the same as any city ofthe fourth classification with more than five thousand four hundred butless than five thousand five hundred inhabitants and located in more thanone county. Such enterprise zone designation shall only be made if thearea that is to be included in the enterprise zone meets all therequirements of section 135.205.
8. In addition to any other enterprise zones authorized in thischapter, the department of economic development shall designate oneenterprise zone that shall be located partially in any city of the fourthclassification with more than twelve thousand one hundred but less thantwelve thousand four hundred inhabitants and partially in any city of thefourth classification with more than nine thousand six hundred but lessthan nine thousand seven hundred inhabitants and shall include all area inbetween any city of the fourth classification with more than twelvethousand one hundred but less than twelve thousand four hundred inhabitantsand any city of the fourth classification with more than nine thousand sixhundred but less than nine thousand seven hundred inhabitants with specificboundaries to be determined by the department of economic development inconjunction with the governing authority of the county. Such enterprisezone designation shall only be made if the area that is to be included inthe enterprise zone meets all the requirements of section 135.205.
9. In addition to any other enterprise zones authorized in thischapter, the department of economic development shall designate oneenterprise zone within any county of the third classification without atownship form of government and with more than thirty-one thousand but lessthan thirty-one thousand one hundred inhabitants. Such enterprise zonedesignation shall only be made if the area that is to be included in theenterprise zone meets all the requirements of section 135.205.
10. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 135.230 to thecontrary, any enterprise zone designated in any county of the thirdclassification with a township form of government and with more thanthirteen thousand seven hundred but less than thirteen thousand eighthundred inhabitants or designated in any county of the third classificationwithout a township form of government and with more than fifteen thousandseven hundred but less than fifteen thousand eight hundred inhabitantsshall not expire before December 31, 2015.
11. In addition to the number of enterprise zones authorized by theprovisions of sections 135.200 to 135.270, the department of economicdevelopment shall designate one such zone in every county of the thirdclassification without a township form of government and with more than sixthousand seven hundred fifty but less than six thousand eight hundred fiftyinhabitants. Such designation shall only be made if the area in the countywhich is to be included in the enterprise zone meets all the requirementsof section 135.205.
12. In addition to the number of enterprise zones authorized by theprovisions of this chapter the department of economic development shalldesignate one such zone in every city of the fourth classification withmore than thirteen thousand six hundred but less than thirteen thousandeight hundred inhabitants which shall have boundaries abutting aninternational airport and an interstate highway with specific boundaries tobe determined by the department of economic development in conjunction withthe governing authority of the city. Such designation shall only be madeif the area in the city which is to be included in the enterprise zonemeets all the requirements of section 135.205.
13. In addition to any other enterprise zones authorized in thischapter, the department of economic development shall designate one suchzone in a city of the fourth classification with more than thirty thousandthree hundred but less than thirty thousand seven hundred inhabitants.Such enterprise zone shall only be made if the area to be included in theenterprise zone meets all the requirements of section 135.205.
(L. 2004 S.B. 1155)*Section includes Laclede County, Richland, Crocker, Douglas County, Sugar Creek, Independence, St. Clair, Pacific, Nixa, Ozark, the area between Nixa and Ozark, Webster County, Linn County, Macon County, Shelby County, St. Ann, and Raytown.