135.431. 1. The department of economic development shall identifyactive community development corporations operating within the state andassist them in the formation of a Missouri community developmentcorporation association. The department shall assist the communitydevelopment corporation association in an amount up to ten percent of itstotal appropriation for community development corporations to cover thecost associated with the activities of the association. The associationshall serve as a clearinghouse for information for community developmentcorporations. The association shall help staff members of communitydevelopment corporations develop administrative skills in such areas asentrepreneurial development, grant writing, real estate analysis, financialdeals structuring, negotiations, human resource development, strategicplanning and community needs assessment. The association shall sponsorconferences which allow community development corporations to learn aboutcommunity development activities statewide and at the federal level.
2. The Missouri community development corporation association shallbe funded by dues assessed against participating community developmentcorporations. The association shall adopt, alter or repeal its own bylaws,rules and regulations governing the manner in which its business may betransacted; elect officers; make expenditures which are incidental andnecessary to carry out its purposes and powers; and do all things necessaryto ensure full participation by Missouri community development corporationsin any federal program relating to community development needs.
(L. 1997 2d Ex. Sess. S.B. 1 ยง 3, A.L. 2003 H.B. 289)